SSL Certificate Requests processed by ServiceNow will generate a request to be approved by a Department Head before the request is processed and certificate is issued.
SSL Approval Request Information
In this sample approval email from ServiceNow, we highlighted the most important parts of an SSL Certificate approval request to examine before making the decision to approve or reject the request.
Here is an explanation of the highlighted fields:
- Technical Contact Email Address
- will receive information for retrieving the certificate once it is issued, as well as notification before, and at the end date of certificate expiration.
- Certificate Type
- will be either InCommon SSL (for only one hostname) or InCommon Multi-Domain SSL (covering multiple hostnames)
- Subject Alternative Names
- list of hostnames that will be added to an InCommon Multi-Domain SSL Certificate
- Certificate Info
- detailed information from the decoded Certificate Signing Request (CSR) with the hostname highlighted
Contact ssl@ucsb.edu.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Not applicable.